Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Evaluation 3: What have you learned from audience feedback?

We had to get audience Feedback from different people. It is helpful that I gain both positive and negative feedback, from learning this. It can help me for the future projects!

These are the questions that I came up with and ask the audience:
  • What did you like about the video?
  • What did you not like about it?
  • Did the narrative makes sense to you?
  • What could be improved?
I posted on Facebook my video, and I asked some people that liked it, a few questions!

Facebook messages from riana22

The feedback that I received was fairly fair, as many liked the dancers, the effects that I used,  song of choice and choreography. Which I agree because I carefully choose my dancers and I know these two dancers would be reliable. And we worked so hard on the choreography and In the video, you can see it is well rehearsed

Many did not like the editing, some said there was too much close ups, the filming was not great which I did not agree with because I thought I use various of shots and did quite good with the editing.

The things that they said I should improve is have various dancers and costumes,  more effects and in HD. I don't agree because I thought I put enough effects and the dancers was great.

The narrative was a problem, as some says they were confused and some kinda knew what it was but I kinda agree because I did not really made the narrative well for for people to understand it well, I thought I did. I knew I should have made the dance class where the main character is teaching them. I wish I could have film that bit.

I had a Screening for my Music Video where a few people came and watch my video and gave feedback.

Evaluation 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

An Idea has pop up in my head!?!

After looking at my music video, I was thinking to change some few bits to improve it a bit and I was thinking before where the performance scene starts, I was thinking to have fans waiting outside, screaming, posters in their hands, getting all excited, can't wait to get inside and have a good time.

And I want a tracking shot then a close up of one fan with her poster.

Designing my Anicallry Taks

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Evaluating My Music Video

So I have looked at my finished music video over 10 times, and I have observe a little work that needs to be tweaking that needs doing.

At 3mins and 48secs - As a audience, we seen the stage too much, I decided to cut off the stage.

At 58 secs - Make the poster longer, so the audience can see it and understands what coming next.

At the beginning, where the young Beyonce is in her bedroom, I am going to change into different colour maybe in sepia or black and white, so it looks like its in the past and its coming into the future.

At 1mins and 44secs - Cut off the Ghost shot

At 4mins 14 secs - Super slow motion

At 1 min 11secs - Cut on the beat

Thursday, 13 March 2014


Today is the Photo Shoot of my Album Cover and CD Poster, My Friend Andrea will be taking pictures and I will be telling her how I want the pictures to turn out to be.

I use different types of costumes, my make up stayed the same through out and I took it in different types of location, inside and outside. Different types of poses as well.  To see what pictures that I would like on my CD poster and Album cover.

Here is an video of some of the pictures that has been taken

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Photoshoot Costumes

Here are clothes that I will be wearing for my photoshoots for CD Poster and Digipaks.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Editing my music video!!

Editing my music video using Final Cut Pro X, I can get to use different types of effects, add music, cut and change the videos.

Here are screen shots of the editing process

Reshooting the Bedrooom

I had to re-shoot my bedroom again because I did not like it, plus my finger was on the lenses as well, not enough energy with the person, I wanted to make it more as bedroom. I tried to make it more as bedroom and the young person is 16 years old instead 6 years old.

I chose a different person to work with to be in my music video. I felt that she knew what she was doing and how to be more energetic. She was 16 years old which made it more better. 

The bedroom scene would be a young 16 years old looking at the mirror, dreaming to be a dancer and wants to be known around the world and she grows up 10 years old later, she is getting ready to meet with her dance class and have a couple of rehearsals with her back up dancers before her big gig. Her gig has manager and producers that can sign her on to work with big artists.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

CD Digipaks Research and Examples

For my Ancillary tasks, I'm putting together an CD Digipaks for my music video.

A Digipaks is patented style of CD or DVD Packaging

Here are some examples that I looked at and I might get some few ideas on how I want my own Digipaks to look like.

I used Slidely program to create a photo album

riana juma's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Film Day Changed Due to Bad Weather Day

I had to change my film day to another day due to bad weather, and its going to continue all this week. It looks like I have to postponed my film day to next week.

Updated Schedule Plan

This is an updated Schedule Plan!


Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Take #1, #2 and #3

Filming the rehearsal part of the video.

We filmed it so many times...

Take 1, 2, 3 etc

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

CD Cover #Planning

I looked at close up and medium close up shots, I picked out pictures from magazines covers, CD Cover, Album Cover, Posters and etc.

I want a close up shot of the face for my CD poster.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Deleted Scenes

Here are some deleted scenes that I chose not to use in my videos.

Pictures Taking from Grown Women

These are pictures taken from the scene of Beyonce - Grown Women!

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Updated Poster
This is the poster that I will be putting around the school and a prop on my music video.

CD & Poster Covers!

Here are some CD/Posters Covers
This givess me an idea of what my poster and CD cover I would like to do.


Here is Densie, rehearsing one more time before the performance. Making sure she remembers all the steps, we don't want to mess up this performance now! 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


This is an Flyer that I will be giving and putting in around the school for people to come and watch our performance.

Behind The Scenes#4

Behind the Scenes of the character is promoting her gig by putting up posters

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Beyonce - Grown Women OFFICIAL Music Video

Here is an preview of Beyonce Grown Women Music Video that Beyonce has released in her new album Visual.

Some of it is where Beyonce is  behind the green scene with different costumes, different people like her oldest friend Kelly Rowland and her mum. 
There is her when she is in the bedroom, a girl's bedroom with her classmate and there is her old video of her when she was young.

There were:

bright colours
 slow and fast motion
close up
medium close up
 long shots.
Flashing lights
 different backgound
There is a theme of African Feel,
the costumes
 the atmosphere
  music ( the beat)
 make up
 the background.

Beyonce - Grown Woman 30sec Preview

She also played her song on The Pepsi Advert which shows that she advertising her song for her upcoming album on TV.

Pepsi Advert Beyonce - Grown Woman.

In the video, she is rehearsing and she is taking a break, she grabs a Pepsi and she drinks it and there is medium shot. And when she finish taking a slip, she see herself in the mirror but in a flashback. Each mirror is where she sees herself and what she accomplished in that mirror.Each mirror is a flashback of herself and there is 360 turn of herself and the "flashback Mirror" of herself. And they are all copying her dance moves and she breaks the mirror, and it's in slow motion and in blink of eye, extreme close up of her face as she is back to normal. And walks away with can of Pepsi in her hand!

Final Idea! Last Scene!

    The Last Scene is The Performance Scene. I changed into a gig.
We are gonna perform in front of an audience which is differnet. This got me thinking about what I need:

Camera Shots
How many Audience I am gonna have
Where the audience will be sitting