Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Shooting the Scenes of Beyonce - Grown Women. ( My Feedback)

My first time shooting for the Beyoncé Music Video.

And it was a hectic and busy day. As I was shooting my music video, things were not going to plan. I was watching back as the video. There were not enough camera movements and shots, the lighting was bad, the white background was bad. It did not look like a music video to me.
So it got me thinking about the locations and camera work. I will have to do more work on how I want my music video to be like and how I want, where the camera will be at some certain dance moves.
I might research the camera movements and shots where there are loads of dance routines and what their do and try to interpret my own version of it.
I loved the way the costumes and the makeup looked. I really liked the way it came out. How I wanted it to be. I did change a few of the costumes.
My dancers wore black and white with the same bow tie that the main character wore.
The main character wore an African top with white shorts and shoes.
I will be shooting more of the performance with ideas and stuff

Sunday, 24 November 2013


Chorography is looking good. Almost finished!
Soon to shoot the performance then after that I should start with my little kids

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Costume Idea - The Bow Tie

I was watching loads of YouTube videos, I wanted to find a costumes that will be easier and comfortable with me and my dancers. I came across this video which I found it really cute look using Ankara material (African wrap). I watched it many times to know how to do it.

I did a video of myself trying out the bow tie which completed failed.

1st video is about me talking about this look and trying it
2nd video is the video that I found which helped me try and do the bow tie



 I rehearse by myself today because I wanted to know the choreography in my head instead of following my dancers. I still got to learn the LYRICS!!
As you can see that I need more work because I forgot some of the chorography.
Of course I need more work.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


I took print screened the weather so I know what what day that is dry and clear for me to film and that will be on friday.


Densia, Katie and Riana


2 hours of rehearsing
Nearly done with the chorography, a little bit of work then will be done.


I reseach what type of locations on what scences what will go with the scenes.

First Scene would be in a girly bedroom, it would be pink and fluffly, a normal young girl bedroom.
Then it would be the streets to the tree where she is sees the poster
It will be the corrdoir where she is walking to her stage
Then drama room will be the stage


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

These are the pictures that my crew took of us rehearsing. This showed me what type of shots that I am going for and what I want when I am actually filming, if I want a long, medium or short shot, where the camrea will be at that time, will it be a tracking shot, where the lighting going to be on a particular dance moves.

Dance Class Costumes!!

I have decided for my dance class, their costumes will be plain and simple.

Black or white t-shirt
Black leggings
Traniers of their choice
Hair - Ponytail

This is a plain and simple costunmes, I want them to feel comfortable in thier costumes and it fits in as they are in a daance class. So you have to wear clothing that fit in the scence.
I used Polyvore website to create this type of look, I am going for and its easy to use.

Dance Class Costumes

My Dance Class

These are the young girls that will participle in the music video as the group of young girls that will be teach by The main character.


Day 2 of rehearsing on Beyonce - Grown Women


These are the dancers that will be featuring in my music video including myself.

Monday, 18 November 2013


Day 1 of rehearsing the chorography of BeyoncĂ© - Grown Women
Creating dance moves and of course having fun!!

Parents Permission Letter

I created an permission letter for the young kids for my music video.

I am having 13-14 years old girls, which will play a role in the music video. And the main character will be teaching the young girls how to dance. It will be a dance class. As the main character is a dance teacher.

So the permission letter is for the parents to let them know what I am doing with thier kids and its completly safe.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

My Storyboard

This is my storyboard that I will follow to create in my music video.

Monday, 4 November 2013

My Pitch!!

I had to pitch my ideas to the whole class about what I want my music video to be like, how I planned it, how I research my idea, what stuff I would like to do and put in it. My classmates and my teacher gave me feedback and ask me questions on my pitch

Saturday, 2 November 2013


Before the main charatcer goes up to perform, I want her walking up in a long corridor, and its going to be slow motions and jumpp cuts and non-digetic sound.
And that non-digetic sound would be the audience chants "BEYONCE" name out.
I went on youtube to try and find audience chanting and I found it. "yay"!!

I will be using it on my music video.

Performances And Audience

For the ending of my music video, I want to do like a big performance and she is singing and dancing in front of the X factor judges and audiences. I looked at X factor UK and USA, Britain Got Talent performances, I mainly looked at the camera movements, the lighting, camera shots. It gave me an ideas which was helpful.

Camera Movement- tracking shot, panning shot, zooming in and out, 360 around
Camera shot - medium shot, close up shot, long shot, over the shoulder shot, esablahing shot, extreme close up
Lighting- brights light, flashing lights, colourful light.


Taking on a Beyonce Video means a lot of dancing and I search on YouTube on loads of people creating their own dance and making up their own moves and I wanted ideas and inspiration.
 On how I can create my own dance moves and show it to my dancers. 
I watch loads of choreography on YouTube and came across loads.
Here are examples of videos that I was inspired.